D&d faerie dragon

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King Haedrak Rhindaun III of Tethyr had a platinum-colored pseudodragon named Purlakhonthiis. Pseudodragons inhabited temperate forests in the wild, but they could often be found as familiars in nearly any environment. They were wary of evil beings, but were willing to serve as a companion to another being if treated well and respected. Pseudodragons loved to hunt vermin and small animals for food. Their general attitude was similar to that of a small cat but with a cunning intelligence. While pseudodragons could bite, their main weapon was a stinging, poisonous tail, and they had chameleon-like abilities, though their color was usually a brownish red. They could communicate telepathically in common or draconic and also through the vocalization of animal noises. Pseudodragons typically had bodies about one foot long, with a two-foot tail and weighed about seven pounds.