Beat saber mods discord

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saber files (custom sabers you just downloaded) in to this folder on your PC (if you have Steam installed on C drive):Ĭ:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\CustomSabersħ. Download the custom sabers you want from here:Ħ. Double click the '' file you just downloaded and copy the 'CustomSabers' and 'Plugins' folder to this folder on your PC (if you have Steam installed on C drive):Ĭ:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saberĥ. You could join the BMBF discord server to stay up to date on their progress, or follow their. When it says 'Finished Loading Mods' close down the windowĤ. BMBF is the mod loader for Beat Saber on the Quest 1/2. In Mod Assistant, click 'I Agree', click on the 'Mods' tab, click 'Install or Update'. Hi there It looks like you wanted to revive the golden age of the internet, when you felt invincible with your blazing fast 14.4k modem, when memes were.

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Double click the ModAssistant.exe you just downloadedģ. (Click 'More Info' and then 'Run Anyway' if you get the Windows 10 prompt)Ģ.